Tesis sobre la Guerra: Dos bloques imperialistas destruyen Ucrania

¡EE. UU.- OTAN y Rusia y sus aliados Fuera de Ucrania! ¡Por el derrotismo revolucionario! ¡Movilizarse y armarse contra los invasores del Este y el Oeste! ¡Solidaridad activa con el derecho a la autodeterminación de Ucrania y de la minoría de habla rusa! ¡Por una Ucrania independiente y Socialista! Por Izquierda Internacional (Left Party, US; OIR, Argentina y Socialismo o Extinción, México) 1. Desde la

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 A Step Forward Against War and Extinction

Brief Report of the Anti-extinctionist Revolutionary Marxist World Conference in Mexico, October 28-29, 2022. By San Pearson With more than 90 delegates and participants in person and online from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil. Colombia, Mexico, the United States, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and others took place in Mexico City on October 28 and 29, Ira. Anti-extinctionist Revolutionary Marxist Conference convened by our current, the International Left. The

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International Call For a Anti-extinctionist Marxist Revolutionary Conference

Dear Comrades, From International Left Izquierda Punto Info (Left Party United States; OIR, Organizacion de Izquierda Revolucionaria Argentina, and Socialismo o Extinción – México), receive revolutionary greetings and an urgent call to discuss what we consider to be the greatest challenge for workers and dispossessed masses all over the world who are facing at this very moment the climate crisis, the imminence of the coming mass extinction of species, the potential

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